We had a silly conversation last night that made me laugh out loud! We were talking about our ol’ farm cat that I have turned into quite a gourmand; his favourite foods are venison, smoked duck, beef jerky and vanilla ice-cream. It has got to the point that he won’t eat ‘cat food’ and God Forbid! we give him cat biscuits! He usually eats a mini size version of what we have for dinner.

He doesn’t touch any shop bought chicken or chicken gizzards/feet or any of those cheap cuts that people feed their pets…he will just lounge on the ground and have a staring competition with me. Guess who usually wins? Anyway, we were eating curry for dinner yesterday and when we were done (he has been trained to eat his meals after we have finished) he stood on his hind legs and pawed at Gnome’s empty bowl and attempted a sideways lick. He definitely knows that is not allowed to do that so we knew he was trying to communicate.
Gnome: ‘Oh yes, the cat loves curry and we haven’t had it for a long time.’
Munchkin: ‘Oh yeah he is trying to tell us that he likes curry.’
I went off to feed the cat in his normal feeding place.
Sure enough, the cat ate the curry delicately and slowly like it was a fine epicurean delight…he savoured each morsel slowly with calculated slowness. When he went back to Gnome to sit on his lap and lick his paws, I gave him some seconds as a surprise treat.
While the cat was on Gnome’s lap, the two new kittens came up scavenging and the first place they looked was the cat’s feeding bowl. To my surprise, they both didn’t touch the food at all…they just took a whiff and walked away.
This is the funny part, so please have a drum roll so that you can all laugh appropriately!
Munchkin: ‘Gnome, the little kittens didn’t eat the curry! I have to get them used to eating curry before they get too old…’
Gnome: ‘Hmmm, Munchkin…maybe you should teach the kittens to catch mice before you teach them to eat curry…’

Ha-Ha!!! That really made me Guffaw!! and laugh at our silly conversation!