Hello and Happy Easter from Munchkin and Gnome. It is dry season here in Belize and it is that time of the year to splish splosh splash about in water to keep cool. Well, the ducks are doing it already:

To give you a re-cap of the last two months, we have been harvesting lots of food every-day. It has been a continuous process of harvesting, processing and preserving. Our year started off with a bonus harvest of wild mushrooms…in this instance it was puffball mushrooms. I will write about it in more detail but we felt very blessed with these wonderful harvests which seem to have an affinity to goose manure.

Next came the abundance of eggs from the geese and ducks. We look forward to the goose eggs every year because the season only lasts for 2 to 3 months. The yolks are very creamy. This year, I made a lot of custard with the goose eggs….compared to the duck eggs, the custard is thicker and creamier. At this point, we still have eggs coming out of our ears so I am making salted preserved duck and goose eggs (Chinese Style). We are willing to put up with the usual goosie bullying and carrying-on to get these lovely treats:

I have also had many experimental adventures with suriname cherries. We are still continuously gathering them and their delightful resinous taste is a delight. I have made jam, relish, olives and stewed fruit.

And this year, for the first year in 15 years, the pond has not dried out yet!! And, look what we have. Tilapia!!

And there’s more…so, I need to write more!!!