So. did the bump go first or after? Our Chiney Goose (Chiney White) had an enormous bump (knob) at the top of the beak, which is characteristic of a Chinese goose, and the bump is slowly shrinking…
The former “second in command” goosie has been ostracised by the rest of the group and he has been forced to swim in circles on the pond all by his lonesome self. What happened??
So, the big question is:

“Did the bump go first which led to the bullying…or did the bullying come first leading to poor self-esteem and then the loss of the bump.”
Gnome’s response:
“Munchkin, maybe you should get out a bit more…”
Okay, so Gnome isn’t interested in goosie psychology (nor goosie psychotherapy or rehabilitation) so let’s move swiftly onto our usual farm pictures.
Here is a picture of our first sorrel (roselle) flower which means that we will have a Christmas harvest. This is a picture for Joanna (you know who you are!!).

This is a wild plant…it looks like a Christmas decoration, don’t you think?
Ooooh and an owl butterfly that wondered into our house. Aren’t they pretty…

Have a great Saturday!!