The clouds have been gathering for days and we were wondering when it would start raining. This morning at 8am we heard the distant rumble of thunder, the sky turned from light blue to black in an instant and it poured down. We sighed with relief, the ducks quacked happily, the geese honked and the cat couldn’t care less. Get ready for the flood flies. Switch off all lights at 5pm tonight, close all doors and windows and run into the safety of your bedroom (or truck!). This will help minimise the invasion and hopefully this will mean less work tomorrow. This is the nuptial flight for termites. They leave wings everywhere in the after-math of their awakening.
Last Year….Arrrrghh!!!
What a mess…

Be Prepared!! We are!! Flood Flies Protocol is in place…that’s why you are getting an early post. We’re off to bed now.
Join us next year for The Flood Flies Day Lottery!