A couple of weeks ago, when we were in the height of mango season, we chanced across somebody on the street selling huge bags of these black mangoes. They are hairy, very juicy and loved by Belizeans. When you eat these, you are expected to eat about 10 to 20 in one sitting because they are so delicious and very messy to eat; no point in dribbling mango juice down your front and elbows for less.

Anyway, a while later, we met a friend and hailed him down. We grabbed a couple of these mangoes, that we had bought, and presented them to him as a gift.
Unexpectedly, he gave us a sideways suspicious look and he said cautiously,
“Where did you get these from?”
Before we had time to answer he said,
“Did you get them for a drunk Spanish guy?”
We nodded our heads in unison…in our heads we were thinking…yeah the guy kinda couldn’t walk in a straight line and had slurred speech!
The friend picked a mango and scrutinized it,
“These are my mangoes!! That guy is selling my mangoes!!”
Then he suddenly stopped and laughed, realised the humour of the whole situation and said,
“Ha-Ha!! You guys are giving me back my own mangoes!! No, no take them!! I have plenty at home!!”
We all had a good laugh about it and then we drove back home to feast on the black mangoes…guilt-free!!
That was funny !