What a perfect combination! We have been harvesting sweet potatoes on the farm; a combination of pinks, reds and whites and we have been grating and drying most of them; great time to sun-dry because it is so hot and dry in Belize right now.

If you have read the last post, you will know that we now have our very own home-made miso, ready to eat. We are so pleased because it has such a great taste plus, I am sure it has gathered some of own house yeasts so with time, it will a Belizean strain miso! It is only 9 months and it tastes sooo good; it will definitely be worth making more. Gnome and I have already discussed the urgent procurement of many 5 gallon buckets.
So, here is my recipe of the day:

The miso helps to round off the flavour, giving a unique floral fruitiness to the whole taste experience.
Check out Miso and Sweet Potato Cakes in Belize Wild Recipes.
We will be making Miso soup tonight, of course!!