Fridge on a pick-em up is a game we play when we decide to take the long arduous drive to the Big City (Belize City). Now, both Gnome and I have been very seasoned travelers in the past having travelled the length and breadth of bigger places like Australia, Europe and the UK. But, somehow this meagre 200 mile journey from Toledo to Belize City seems to test our stamina to the limits! It might be due to all the speed bumps on the village roads, some with no advance warning signs (until you actually go flying up in the air and then come crashing down with a loud thud-dunk!).
A while ago, we developed a Pick-em up Game on the road, just to keep things a bit more novel for us. Basically, the majority of vehicles on the Belizean roads are pick-up trucks and as you drive, you can usually spot a whole variety of interesting things on the back of people’s trucks. As a result of this, we developed a points game where the contents of a pick-up truck is equivalent to specific bonus points.
Our highest bonus points allocation (1000 points) goes to the Fridge on a Pick-em up!

The above sighting of 2 fridges was most auspicious. A bit further up the Highway, we came across another Fridge on a Pick-em up but I couldn’t get a drive-by picture because Gnome was driving too fast.
Other high bonus points include: Estufa (Spanish name for ‘Stove’) on a Pick-em up = 800 Bonus Points, Boca (Central American Chip Packets) on a Pick-em up = 750 Bonus Points and Pig on a Pick-em up = 500 Bonus Points.
Whenever we come across the infamous Fridge, we do a bit of a jiggle on the car seat and shout out ” Fridge on a Pick-em up!”
This game has its value in keeping us amused and also in keeping our eyes on the road!