Hope you are having an enlightening Good Friday! Well, it’s hot and we are definitely in the midst of dry season which means it is time to tap copal (Protium copal) for the resin. The most popular use for the copal blocks is as incense. To use, just break off pieces and burn over charcoal. Another use for copal is as a skin treatment for rash, inflammation and itch; copal has been used by the Ancient Maya for centuries as a traditional remedy for skin ailments. It also has natural anti-septic qualities so can be used for minor bacterial and fungal infections. Here are some pictures of fresh copal:
Fresh copal has the smell of rainforests with an uplifting resinous scent.

If you are interested in reading more about the medical properties of copal, click on Copal As Medicine.
Here are some products that we make from copal. We recommend these products for skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, insect bites and as a preventative treatment for skin infections.

If you want to view more of our copal hand-made products please look at The Apothecary. For anyone living in Punta Gorda (Belize!), you can buy our Copal Medicinal Oil and other products at Vance Vernon and Mahong Pharmacy.
We love your copal medicinal ointment too!!