Hello, I keep on forgetting to write! January just passed by in a flash (I think I say this every year but it never ceases to amaze me) and now it is February already. The last time I wrote, I had a leg injury…I did have to sit with my leg up for 5 days to get better. It was gruesomely boring but I knew that I had to rest the leg to get a quick recovery. It was terrible because I couldn’t get up and down stairs and walk about on uneven ground on the farm…definitely not good if you live on a farm…made me realise that there is a certain level of fitness required in living this lifestyle. Gnome found me gruesomely annoying during this time!! Thanks for all your patience, Gnome!!

Let’s talk about calamondin since these are my last pictures left in my gallery. This is a citrus originally from the Philippines. It is a small round, orange citrus with a thin peel. The juice is sour and can be used in drinks or for marinating meat.

We planted our calamondins about 7 years ago; we got our seed from a Filipino lady in Belize…there are a surprising high number of Filipino people living in Belize especially in the Stann Creek area. The thing I like about this particular citrus is that the peel comes off easily and does not have the bitter pith that comes normally with these types of fruit.

I use the peel in all kinds of food…I put it soups, stews and stir fry…you get a really nice orangey taste and aroma in your food.

Of course, you can use the peel in sweets too as you can see in the next picture; we rolled pastry out with our wonderful noodle maker and baked a calamondin roll:

Okay, I have to get out there and take more farm pictures for my blog posts!