Hello! Still here on the farm and still hauling water up into the house. It’s not a huge deal (with Munchkin’s well trained strong arms!); it is only an issue when we are trying to do a washing machine load. The washing machine takes 40 gallons in total (=8 pigtail buckets) with the wash and rinse cycle so that’s the real pain. But, of course we still have to do it and the clothes need to get washed! Right now, we are still in the midst of the grey water drainage project #135 so the water tower preparations are not in the forefront yet. The last few days, Gnome has been digging (I believe that’s what Gnomes do amongst many, many other things) our first drainage ditch which takes all the washing-up, clothes washing and bathing water out of the house area.

The pond is actually bigger than this now and the final size will be 3 feet (90cm) by 30 feet (9metres). We will be planting edible plants (taro, lotus, etc) in this first pond. The overall plan is to have several of these connected ponds draining from one to another until they reach their final destination which is a great big banana and plantain grove. That way, all the nutrients from our grey water can be used to water a whole bunch of food plants as it wends its way from food pond to food pond. What a great way to water your own food!
Anyway, food is always in abundance on the farm and I am so pleased with our harvests. This is the lifestyle for beings (like Munchkin and Gnome) who like to eat and cook good food.
Just got a sweet potato harvest today:

Barbados Gooseberry is producing…

Oh and look at the flowers of the Barbados Gooseberry…

And yes we are eating dandelion salad right now…

Some hot peppers; this is a funny story. For quite some time, we have been trying to procure durian (Asian smelly fruit that all Asians adore and adulate). We tried to buy from Ebay several times: “fresh seeds from China.” If anyone knows about Durian, the seeds are the size of chestnuts but each time we received our seeds they would be pepper seeds!! These Chinese…they really are something trying to pass off pepper seeds for durian seeds!! So, these are our “Chinese Rip You Off Not-Durian Ha-Ha Pepper Seeds.” I guess it is still something…

Oh this is a pretty edible: celosia; kinda like a spinach:

Okay, guys have a good night!!