Hello Everyone!! I spoke too soon the last time about how little it had rained in wet season! We had a huge downpour last night and I think we are probably flooded in. I haven’t heard any traffic on the road this morning which probably means that the Jacinto River is high and has flooded the junction onto the highway. Everywhere on the farm is wet and yes, the puddles have coalesced into ponds! I took a few pictures a couple of days ago when it was nice and dry. The farm is actually cleaned up…we just need to do the pond area and then we need to re-do the coconut area again. So far, so good…yay!!
This is a picture of the rosewood grove…we planted rosewood about 16 years ago. This part looks like a shaded woodland area. Gnome mentioned that it might be a good place to plant cacao as an under storey.

This is the pathway leading to the pond area with oil palms to the left and rosewoods on the right. We are actually thinking of getting rid of the oil palms because they take up premium space. We might replace them with avocados or mangoes.

This is a picture of the pond. The grass is still high here and we plan to mow this area as soon as it dries up again. Check out the ‘fishing rod’ bamboo…it looks like an afro…needs a haircut!!

After we clean up the pond area, we will go straight back to cleaning up the coconut area…look…he grass is growing up already after a month!

The farm is looking good for the first time in ages!! I hope you enjoyed a quick tour of the farm.! 😉 Have a great weekend!