Hello There!! More farm pictures for you all to see and the promise of wonderful exotic fruit in the next few months. The mango trees are blooming all over Toledo so it looks like it will be another wonderful “stuff-your-face-with-mango-season” this year. Our running joke on the farm is that we never started planting mango until a few years ago…which was pretty silly of us since it is our favourite fruit! Anyway, we have our first blooming mango tree!!

We have three jackfruit trees flowering this year…they should grow into giant sized monsters and we will have a bumper crop in July.

The cashews are starting too. By the way, we noticed that we have mountains to the south side which block a few hours of morning sunlight and so our trees flower about a month later than others in Toledo.

These are our cinnamon trees looking very formidable at one year. Also there is a tall ylang-ylang tree in the middle with a lemon tree to the right. I wanted to sneak this picture in to show you how good we have been at keeping the grass down this year! Ooooh…look at that!

That’s so interesting…it looks like the jackfruit flowers right out of the trunk! I bet all of those blooms smell heavenly. And cinnamon trees!!! I love it. It’s the bark you harvest for that, right? Does the tree weather a harvest ok? Makes me think about your vanilla orchids. I so want to get some of those, but I’m sure the orchids would disapprove of chilly, arid MT–basically the opposite of tropical Belize!!
Yes the jackfruit grow from the trunk so the fruit will be seen bunched around the trunk and big branches when they are ready. We will be harvesting cinnamon next year so watch out for the post on that one! Cinnamon is managed by coppicing much like hazlenut. Vanilla is actually very difficult even to grow in the Tropics but would be happy to provide you with a cutting should you be brave enough to try in Montana! Cheers! Mandy