Hello! It is New Year’s Eve and I wanted to write something positive that would lift our spirits up so that we can all look forward to a new year together! My recapitulation of 2021 can be summed up thus:
‘….the mower is broken again….’

‘….broken again!’

‘ ….again….’

We have found 2021 a challenging and tough year. There have been a few setbacks. However, I would like to say that against all odds, we have managed. Yes! With the power of Munchkin and Gnome Spirit we persevere and keep going!! Here is a recent picture of the farm…all cleaned up and pristine…

To add to the positive note, we have just harvested a bumper peanut crop. We have pulled up all the peanuts and Gnome has re-tilled the ground. As we speak, he is re-planting the peanuts for food (and good luck) for the new year!

Look at these lovely peanuts:

We would like to say Thank you for All the Good Things this year. We have been fit and healthy and active on the farm. The vegetable crops have been abundant and generous. The fruit trees have started baring and we have more than enough to eat and to feed our ducks and geese. I would also like the thanks all the people that are in our lives who have given us much support and kindred spirit.
Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year and make it a Good One!! Good Health and Happiness to All.