It is always interesting when you talk about tobacco. Our present society frowns quite heavily upon this poor plant. It is even worse when you are a doctor…I think you are supposed to be very strongly opposed to anything to do with it, unless you happen to be using it to spray on your plants (which we also do). Unfortunately, I seem to have missed this collective meeting of humanity and continue to forge a relationship with this beautiful plant even though everybody seems to disapprove.

Munchkin was kind enough to collect the harvest for me on a previous post and started the initial browning of it. Our particular style of browning involves sticking all the leaves in a cardboard box and letting everything ferment (ie. start to rot) and turn from green to yellow to brown. Everyday the leaves have to be turned and aerated so they don’t frankly rot. As the leaves yellow and brown, they are removed from the rest and laid out to dry, like so…

The weather has been quite cold and damp and the drying probably isn’t going to go that well (which means that we might be using it as plant spray) but I’m going to give it a go anyway and see what happens. If I get lucky and it works out I’ll tell you what happens next…
Munchkin has written a Tobacco Article here…
Remember, tobacco products are bad for you…my doctor told me so!