Okay, I am ready to talk about the Crazy Cat on the farm. He has been a menace and a nuisance from day 1…oh, but cuteness goes a long way…so, I kinda still like him…how frustrating!! This is the story: Crazy Cat was given to us when he was 4 weeks old and now we have had him for 2 months. His Mother is a feral cat that lived in the woods and adopted a family (our friends who gave us the cat) when she was having her kittens. The family put her in a container to have her kittens (she had all four of them) and left food and water in the container for all of them. The mama and the kittens seemed to have minimal human contact during the time that she was nursing.

Okay, so I did not know that kittens from feral parentage are very, very hard to train…in fact, you could say that they can’t be trained. This little one bounces about all over the place. We left him under the house with our other new farm cat. It is so interesting to see the differences between them…the other one is so tame and polite.

This one is younger (now 3 months) and the other cat is 6 months old. Crazy Cat actually figured out how to get into the house before the older one…he scales walls, he climbs trees, and flies like a bat, in the air and lands solidly on his feet in our house. He is an amazing, flying acrobatic crazy cat that can swing from ladder rungs and fly through our window like a bat out of hell! We have our very own circus cat right on the farm! You honestly have to see it to believe it…I get amused and angry at the same time:

Oh, and I haven’t finished my tirade. This cat can’t sit on your lap for one second before he tries to jump up onto your shoulders or head. And what’s more…there are scratch marks all over my legs…whenever I am in the kitchen preparing food, he uses my leg as a staircase to get to the kitchen table to steal scraps. I am using a water spray to reprimand him but he has a memory of a gnat…he forgets everyday and crawls up my leg to the kitchen counter top.
Anyway, I feel better now for letting off a bit of steam. Crazy Cat has some redeeming qualities! Trying to be positive now!! Whenever I am out on the farm, he follows me about like a faithful puppy and keeps me company under the shade of a tree or a plant. Sometimes, he still get a bit wily and the other day, he tried to climb up and down a whole bunch of corn stalks ruining all the plants as he scrambled up and down in his usual hectic, crazy way. Oh well, he is keeping us on our toes. Gnome thinks he is cute and has managed to get him sitting on his lap for a record 5 seconds. Big Ol’ farm cat doesn’t like him and will try to guard the entrances to the house religiously to stop him from getting in…he just doesn’t realize that this elusive little cat has no need for doors!!
FYI….I’m so happy to be reading your posts again, thank you. Side note, about 10 years ago my husband worked at a local community college that had a feral cat program. A small black kitten was picked up by my husband and brought to my sister’s house but after two weeks of this crazy kitten oh, my sister couldn’t handle it any longer. We became the owners of this crazy kitten by default. Fast forward, this crazy cat now sleeps on my body every night to stay warm, she even lets me comb her! It took many years, but she’s finally tamed. Hang in there… that little feral will be one of the best cats you ever had!
Hello, good to hear from you! I am glad that you are enjoying the posts. Thanks for you advice…I will hang on in there…Crazy Cat is mad but he is still lovely.