Gnome is boldly going where no Gnome has gone before (well, he has been there before but it was a very, very long time ago). He is re-claiming the farm territory and expanding into the unknown. Phew…we have never, ever been able to clear up the farm in one go so here’s hoping that all goes well this time!
So, more silly tales from Munchkin and Gnome: Grey goosie (aka April Jones of the Jonesey sisters…yes, you have to keep up with our goosie soap opera!) went missing a few days ago. We searched high and low for her but to no avail since it was still very bushy at that time. We figured that she was laying eggs in the back of beyond (somewhere!) and was most likely sitting on a clutch of eggs. Anyway, Gnome stumbled across her in some dense bush yesterday…she was hissing and carrying on and was none too pleased with the disturbance of noisy machinery and grass flying every-where.

So, Gnome called me over and asked what we should do. This is what we ended up doing: we mowed around her and left her a little island of dense bush!! I think that we love our goosies too much and are catering to their whims…don’t you think? This is not how you run a farm!!
Anyway, at the beginning of the year we had decided to put out nesting boxes for the geese. There are many of these washing machine coverings filled up with nesting material and smooth rocks scattered around the farm designed to entice the discerning, broody goose. Any takers?? Of course not…the goosies didn’t come to our “lay your eggs in our lovely nesting boxes made out of white goods” meeting. They would much rather go au naturel…

Oh well, that’s the usual kinda stuff that happens on the farm. Oh and we caught this funny looking possum which was the size of a rat. Gnome’s immediate response was that it wasn’t big enough to eat! I think that the bigger variety that we caught first time round was a Virginia Opossum (the ones that can “play dead”). This scary looking thing is a Grey Four-Eyed Possum. Anyway, since we raged war against the possums they seem to have vacated the area quick smart. No more possums to be found…that’s a good thing!