For the last year or so we have had problems starting the truck. When we turn the key in the ignition sometimes the engine starts and sometimes it doesn’t. Usually it takes a few goes before it gets started. It was becoming such a routine that the Catholic Gnome would turn the key with a Sardinian prayer. Finally I said to him that it was just getting too ridiculous and we should just get the starter replaced. I said to him,
“What if we get stuck out in the middle of nowhere!”
And he replied,
“Babes, we are in the middle of nowhere!”
Oh…so we are.
Anyway we took a trip to the Big City last week and got the truck fixed up. Everything is now fine; we even saw a freezer on a pick-up. That’s 850 points.

Remember the rules? Here they are again…
This is a Point Allocations game for the spotting of Goods (and assorted paraphernalia) on a Pickup (with a picture):
- Fridge 1000pts.
- Washing Machine 900pts.
- Freezer 850pts.
- Estufa (Spanish for Stove) 800pts.
- Boca (Central American Chip Packets) 750pts.
- Pig 500pts.
- Tractor Wheels 500pts.
- Large Ruminant 350pts.
- Small Ruminants 250pts each.
When you spot the Fridge on a Pickup, the rule is to jiggle your bottom on the car seat and shout out,
“Fridge On A Pickup!!”
with whistles, loud expressive whooping and hand gesticulating.
Thank-you Ginja Bwai for continuing to play this game with us!!