A few days ago, I was having a “bad day” and chaos reigned through out. Everything I tried to do didn’t turn out and it became a vicious cycle. Wahhhhh!!! Don’t you ever just want to jump up and down with indignation!!
Anyway, Gnome tried to be helpful and suggested that I go into the kitchen and cook something nice. That usually does the trick…
I decided to embark upon the folly of baking cinnamon buns and to this very date, I still can’t make them. I have followed many recipes and they never turn out…they are usually too gooey to be manipulated into a roll. Of course, this time was no different, if not worse. The sticky, yeasted mix was just a big sloppy monster on my kitchen counter and it looked alive, menacing and explosive. At this point, I was nearly in tears (yes, even the best of us has a good old cry now and then) and I called Gnome for help.

With one deft swoop, Gnome scooped up the schloppp and chucked it into my glass baking dish. By the time he calmed down the chaos in the kitchen (ie. me) the cinnamon roll- gone wrong was looking quite the thing as it started expanding and taking up the space in the dish.

I did end up baking the cake which I have now coined “Cinnamon Chaos Cake.” It is so much simpler than rolling out those darned buns…you just take any cinnamon bun recipe and you slop it into a baking dish, cinnamon sauce and everything. Bake it for the same amount of time as the normal recipe and there you go…it tastes exactly like the cinnamon roll but even better…no goo on a rolling pin and tears to boot!!
Mayor Gnome to the rescue yet again! 👏🏻👏🏻😃