The longer I wait to write a new blog post, the harder it gets. So, I have decided to bite the bullet and write. Looking back at my previous blog posts, I have only written on Holidays and the next local Holiday is not for 2 months!! It is pouring down today and has been for the whole weekend. This year, we had the shortest dry season ever which was only two weeks. I think that our pond only dried up for a week (usually remains dry for 2 months) and the rains started again and still hasn’t stopped.

We are having the usual wet season problems: puddles galore, mud mud glorious mud and flooding.

Well, at least the ducks and geese are having fun. Every new puddle and pond is a new adventure. During these rainy days, all we hear is endless flapping of wings in water, loud gregarious quacking and endless squeaking from geese jostling about in the water. This year, we had a very successful breeding season and doubled our flock. It never ceases to amaze me how the fun-loving goslings turn into such nasty hooligans. How does that happen? I gave them so much love and attention and after two months, I have to defend myself with a broom!

Oh, and another piece of news. Our wonderful, lovely cat that we have had for 13 years never came back home one morning. His usual routine was to get tossed out of the house unceremoniously at night, when he would hunt and do cat things, and then return in the morning to plonk himself down to sleep all day. This was about 6 weeks ago so sadly, I don’t think he is coming back. I miss our gourmet cat who loved beef jerky, duck liver pate, curry and home-made vanilla ice-cream. Now I miss all the silly things about him that drove me crazy at the time…yes, even the way he used my belly as a pillow or shelf to sleep his heavy head on! Anyway, sending lots of love to our orangey companion!

We still have our other two, mind you: