Yes, Hello!! We should keep the Blog going, don’t you think? Life seems to get in the way…everyday… and waiting for the mood to write just doesn’t work! I went out on the farm to take a whole load of pictures so I can play catch up (again)! We are generally doing fine on the farm; there is the usual equipment failure, too much rain, too little rain and hot, hot, hot days. That basically sums up Belize if you interested in weather, plants and farming. Sorry…I should add a bit more oomph and enthusiasm to get you all out planting vegetables…after all, this is what my Blog posts are about. Right now, in Belize, we are on a 7pm to 4am COVID curfew so there is plenty of time to stay at home and grow something to eat!! Let’s show you some pictures. Gnome has prepared the land for more melons since we both love cantaloupes.

We have a nice little okra garden going. If you like your own freshly picked vegetables with the minimum of work, I urge you to grow okra. They are an easy crop.

This is a ditch that Gnome dug a few years ago for water chestnut. Our kitchen water drains into the ditch to fertilise and maintain the plants. As you can see, they are looking healthy and we will hopefully have a good harvest at Christmas time.

Oh, and I found an old picture of the pond above so you can get an idea of how deep it is. There you go…the ditch has served its purpose and is producing food.
We have started lotus in basins again. The last time we had lotus, the dastardly geese ate or destroyed them all. Now that we have the geese in fenced areas, our plan is to plant the lotus in the pond so that we can harvest lotus root and seeds.

I will save the other pictures for another post. I know you don’t believe me but I will write again soon. One last picture…honestly, we do look like this! Ha-Ha!! Actually, I jokingly asked Gnome if we looked like this and he said:
‘…uhuh…twenty years ago, dear!’