Hello Again! We had a right old downpour last night and the frogs are calling for more rains this morning…wasn’t last night enough? Anyway, we have had a run of hot, muggy weather until this latest rain. Ha-Ha…are the flood flies coming out tonight?!
The days go back so quickly and it was only today that I realised that I hadn’t updated my blog posts for nearly 3 weeks! I do have some new pictures from the farm so let us start without further ado:

This year we planted a patch of Godiva pumpkins…these have seeds without hulls. The pumpkins are quite small at about 15 to 20 cm in length, the flesh is thin-walled but sweet. In each pumpkin, there is a hand-full of pumpkin seeds without hulls…these are very tasty and creamy. We planted a small patch as an experiment as we are interested the seed for cooking oil. We now have enough seed to start a larger growing area but we do realise that we probably need at least 50 plants to supply some cooking oil for our kitchen. Gosh…it is all such hard work…it really makes you realise how convenient it is to walk into a supermarket and buy a bottle of oil! Anyway, this is what we do for the sake of taste that money can’t buy!
Gnome has been preparing melon growing areas with shade…it has been very hot lately so he had to protect the seedlings:

We like to plant unusual varieties of melons…this year we found two Italian varieties. One of them has is dark green with ribs and the other has a knobbly orangey-green appearance. I was going to include the names but I have thrown out the packets! I will take pictures once they have formed. Melons grow well in Belize as long as you watch out for the pesky caterpillars that burrow holes into them!
This is a new interesting harvest this year from our farm. We planted guanacaste seeds about 15 years ago which have grown into huge canopy trees. This year, they finally started flowering and we have seed. This seeds are very unusual looking…they are also called ‘elephant ear’ pods…

Apparently, in Mexico, they eat they eat the seeds while they are green. When they are mature, you are supposed to be able to ‘pop’ them like popcorn. We haven’t tried experimenting with the seeds yet to test out the edibility. We will…of course…Munchkin likes to eat and will try anything!
Okay, that is for today. More pictures soon!