We are waiting for the tropical storm Nate to pass over so we are trying to stay out of trouble by having a quiet day. Right now, looking outside, you wouldn’t think that there was a weather alert…there’s a little gusty wind and no rain at all. So what have we been up to? We went through a dry spell and managed to clear a chunk of bush behind the house; we even managed to burn a few wood piles because it was so hot and sunny. This clearing up is in preparation for rotational goosie pastures which we should hopefully have ready by laying season early next year. The last week has been very, very wet with overnight downpours; the whole place has turned to mud so we had to stop the clearing this week.
Yes, that’s why we wear wellies all the time!
Anyway, I would like to show pictures of the new vegetable garden. If you have been following our Blog, you’ll know that we have been rotating our guinea pig houses and planting vegetables in the unoccupied houses which are full of lovely piggy mulch. I am very pleased with results! We have okra, endives, rocket and aubergine.
Piggie Houses:

The Vegetable Garden:

Not For Eating…tobacco…

Keep safe everyone!!