With the equinox, Goosie Wars have begun; the shorter day lengths have caused an immediate switch in temperament. Goose breeding season is starting and they will lay sometime in February. This is what happened a few days ago: Gnome went out into the yard and was immediately pecked at by big bossie goosie on the big toe! Then another male goose lunged at him side-ways. It was a close call and Gnome was rather taken aback by the fray.
Gnome shouted out to me,
“Watch out Munchkin!! Goosie wars have started!”
This means six months of goosie bullying, severe hooliganism and general chaos on the farm. When I go down to the yard every morning, I will have to be armed with a broom. Watch out Panda too…goosies are really brutal with him!!

As a follow-up to the “mechanical failure” of the weed-wacker, the carburetor needed adjustment; Gnome’s comment:
“I messed around with the screws that the manual said that shouldn’t be messed around with…”
So, we are clearing bush right now…sorry, I wish I had more exciting “catching up” news for you but it can be a bit mundane at times!
Your weed whacker saga sounds like our mechanical issues. Jim’s always cursing at one small-engine tool or another. He’s discovered that gasoline doesn’t stay good in them anymore (different from how it used to be). So, if any’s left in the tank over the winter (or some other longer stretch of time), it always gums EVERYthing up and he has to rebuild carburetors, and all that.