The Flood Flies finally came last night and we were ready with Protocol Flood Flies still in place. Lock down started at 4pm and everyone (including the animals) were fed and watered by 5pm. Last minute shower and into the bedroom quick smart. Lights out! This morning, there was still some evidence of flood flies with their wings but not as much as previous years. Switching the lights off to reduce numbers really works and this year, I am actually not suffering from Post Traumatic Flood Flies Syndrome. Usually with the after-math of winged chaos, I am reduced to a depressed, quivering wreck armed with a vacuum cleaner in one hand and a snotty tissue in the other.
Phew…it’s all good! And so with rains come the planting. Gnome has bee planting sorghum:

We have planted more of the “brain” (Amorphophallus paeonilfolius) out:

Oh and Gnome has been cutting more houses for Coco-Prune Resort…there has been a sales boom and all the piggies want a luxury condo. Don’t try this at home guys…the table saw is done broke so Gnome is using a circular saw on a steel drum!! I know…cringe!!

But the Piggies want their million dollar condos! It was the Spa and Yoga that sold it!