Hello Again! My apologies for not writing for a long time but I went through a “I don’t feel like writing phase.” Anyway, I thought it was best to try to get back into the flow of things and besides I have lots of goosie pictures! Okay, what’s been happening on the farm? Firstly, we still haven’t got the brush-mower working (story of our lives!) ; we got a part shipped to us a few weeks ago and Gnome put it in place. No sooner had he gone 10 yards with the machine, a ball-bearing flew out and shattered into tiny little pieces. Yes…we are yet again waiting for another part so that we can do the big mow “before the first rains start.” Ha-Ha…the rains have started already but luckily this year, our wonderful gaggle of geese are keeping the grass down for us.
These are my three month old geese…not babies any-more. They are friendly and follow me everywhere. In this picture, all four of them were trying to get into a basin but alas, the fourth one couldn’t fit in!

The last three days have been muggy and hot so we decided to take a few days off from farm work. We got out the pasta making machine and started a pasta-making marathon.
Here are some pictures:
We made a whole bunch of vermicelli:

We made yellow pasta with tumeric:

We have been storing them in jars; it is nice to admire the fruits of our labour! So far with have 12 jars filled up with assorted pasta shapes and colours.

Oh, and we made chocolate pasta; Gnome rolls the sheets out first:

The pasta is cut into shapes and laid out in trays. We put them out to dry in the sun and by the end of the day, they are dry enough to be stored in jars.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I will write again with a goosie update!