About two weeks ago, we had a really bad storm which uprooted one of our trees which then landed on the roof of our nursery. It caused devastation with branches falling everywhere and it ended up blocking our usual walking route through the farm.

When we saw the extent of the mess, we could see the amount of work involved, we looked at each other and said at the same time,
“Oh No!!”
And so we procrastinated for a while plus luckily for us, the weather wasn’t cooperating so there was never a ‘right time’ to clean up. Our Munchkin and Gnome form of procrastination included re-vamping the web-site, making copious amount of pasta to dry and store, designing new products, seeing patients and stuffing ourselves with mangoes. Oh, and I am learning to touch type!
Anyway yesterday was the day and we just got out there and did it! Here are some pictures:

We managed to get the tree off the roof!

We cut up all the wood and it was my job to gather it all up for mulch.

All done and as Gnome surveyed the surroundings with a sigh of relief he said nonchalantly,
“Oh, now I need to fix up the nursery.”