The parts finally arrived for the brush-mower and Gnome has managed to install the new parts. A big Thank-you to Joanna Randolph for sending us the parts. Now, the mower no longer looks like a “bird’s nest” of wires at the back:

The ignition works (so no more hot-wiring) and it all looks very tidy with all the wires in place:

Everything is now working:

And also the chainsaw has been fixed:

The Zazen Duckie pond has been partially filled with the rains from yesterday. Next will be the fencing for the Zen Garden:

And, while Gnome is effortlessly doing all the above like a Super-Hero farmer, I think I will bake some panettone ;)! Received these in the post from Joanna as a belated Birthday present…yay and many thanks!! I may need a few tries before I get a perfect picture to post up on the Blog!