Yesterday (Sunday) was quite a day!! It started off with very early morning rains with black, heavy grey skies and it poured down all day. There was a power cut in the wee hours of the morning (no idea what time it was but it was still very dark). In fact there was no electricity all day (and we were not expecting it to come back because the weather was so awful …I don’t blame the BEL guys for not wanting to come out in torrential rain…and it was a Sunday and nothing happens on a Sunday here).
Oh, and we also got flooded in at the Jacinto junction so there was no way of getting onto the Highway (unless you swam or procured a canoe).
We were stuck. We couldn’t do anything!! So we sat with lots of candles (it was very dark inside and the sun was completely blocked by black puffy clouds) and talked all day. It was actually quite refreshing not to have a computer (with noise, constant clicking of the mouse, silly stuff on FB and the constant Internet distractions).
It was lovely to have nothing. The silence was welcome and we really enjoyed each other’s company. I am thankful for these days that affirm that “we don’t need anything except for each other.” Sometimes, you just think it is it is sentimental stuff that is just things that you say without meaning it. Well I mean it…Munchkin and Gnome really do get on well with each other!!
The electricity (surprisingly) came back on about 6pm. We were just about to call it a day and go to bed!!

On a different note, Gnome has unfortunately hurt his hand (tried to lift a very heavy thing, lifted the heavy thing and ignored the pain in his hand whilst lifting the heavy thing). He is currently out-of-action with regards to physical, heavy work on the farm. Family (particularly Gnome’s Mother) and Friends, please do not be alarmed. This just means that he has sit around for the next few days until his hand gets better.