The weather has been back and forth for the last month or so. We had sunny-ish weather for the last 5 days so we went out and cleared up a bit more on the farm. Gnome has been clearing trees at the pond area and I have been wheel-barrowing the wood back to the charcoal area. It’s hard work for both of us but it keep us both fit and healthy. Oh, and yes, we have filled up our charcoal store so we are going to build another concrete block storage…

Anyway, we have just done a run of work and today it started raining early morning and has kept on going. This seems like the typical July weather when you can’t get out at all! We had planned to go into town but decided to cancel because the rain is coming down in buckets! We both went outside to have a look and there are pools of water forming everywhere and the water is flowing.

Gnome saw a goose sitting in a big puddle fast asleep; when he called out to tell me, the goose woke up so I couldn’t get a picture of it…well, here is the goose just waking up from a nap:

This is just after a morning of rain:
There is water everywhere:
Anyway, I know I haven’t been writing so this is a post to let you know that we are still here and we are doing our Munchkin and Gnome stuff as usual!