Munchkin Here!! Where’s the Panda…I thought he was supposed to be writing some stuff about jungle living. And Gnome, what are you up to? Oh, Gnome tells me he’s got nothing to write about. Okay, I’m going to be pulling this face until you both start writing on the blog. Get the picture?!
Hello!! If you follow the adventures of Munchkin and Gnome, you will know that we are keen foragers and planters. We also like to cook food in unusual and interesting ways…Munchkin Magic or Cookery Sans Fontiers. Firstly, let’s tell you how we found our sorghum seeds. We were driving on the Highway out of Belize City and Gnome all of a sudden screeched to a halt. Luckily, there were no cars about. He quickly ran out of the car and jumped up and down with glee when he found this growing by the side of the road:
Sorghum on the Road.
We took the seeds and planted them:
Sorghum on our Farm.
Sorghum is generally considered an animal feed in Belize and in most other countries. It is however seen as a human staple in some parts of Africa and India. It has a protein content of 11% (corn has 9%) with B Vitamins, Niacin, B6 and manganese.
Anyway, Gnome charged me with the cooking of these grains. He basically said:
“Do something tasty with this, my dear…”
So I did. And WE LOVE SORGHUM!! It’s tasty, yummy, versatile, has a nutty flavour and can be eaten in lots of different ways. It tastes a bit like risotto but with more bite to it. Here is a picture gallery of some of our sorghum meals; recipes will come later. Ooooh….we are so pleased with this great foraging find which has allowed us to experience such a delicious food. Ahhhh….we feel blessed with our farm.
Sorghum with Lentils and Potatoes.Sorghum with French Onion Soup.Chicken with Sorghum Breadcrumbs.Sorghum and Veggies.
Yes, we are eating sorghum everyday and not getting bored with it!
The only one with the mouth ulcer (which has now gone, thanks to serosi tea…and not eating deep fried yum-yums….) was the Munchkin. The Gnome didn’t have them and neither did the Panda. The one who threw the wobbly and has been chopping was the Panda, not the Munchkin (well, not this time, anyway).
For those of you that didn’t realise this, there is one woodland creature (a Panda) and two deep earth creatures (the Munchkin and the Gnome) who are writing on this blog. Don’t get us confused!!
The Munchkin lives with the Gnome and both of them get up to mischief in the bush (since we both came up from deep beneath the earth to live a new life on the surface). The Munchkin is cute, bossy and likes to be in charge. The Gnome is philosophical, surly, skinny and generally not very friendly. Both are not very popular, if Blog stats are any indication to go by.
The Panda is the new kid on the block and he is trying to find enlightenment by tempering his spirit with hard physical labour, isolation and discovering his own thoughts. He is emotional and is learning to be in touch with his feelings. He likes working with bamboo. He is also very, very popular and really pumps-up our blog stats each and every time he puts up a post!! 🙂
He is so popular that we are going to have to update our About Us page to include him and give him some credit.
Have been trying to take advantage of the super full moon…I guess it is not all just about madness, lunacy and wobblies.
The two different types of potato that have been planted are doing well and growing. The potato shelter seems to be working as the rot issues seem to have stopped. Hopefully, we will get some seed potatoes from these two plants and be able to then start the “Potato Project” properly.
The other things that have been planted, thanks to the availability of rain free, sunny space include:
red, curly mustard
black tomatoes
purple tomatoes
black beauty eggplants
I have also scarified and am soaking:
winged bean
Yes, even though I have managed to get out of a couple of days worth of posts (yay!), I have been keeping up with “the Blanket” and I am practising enum classes (since my compiler can handle C++11) and getting ready to tackle the Chapter 4 quiz.
The Panda is off gallivanting with camera equipment to build upon his new found popularity but he did help by moving heavy rocks (almost got busted by the ministry of works…ha-ha-ha!) a couple of days ago.
The second season of Alone isn’t that good, the first one was more enjoyable.
Panda’s new popularity might workout well for me too (hee-hee-hee); he gets the self-esteem boost, groupies, popularity, people thinking he is really cool and “spiritually advanced” because he can talk about his emotions, in touch with his feminine side, so to speak. AND (this is more important!) I can stop writing these stupid posts and do some real work for a change….the plot thickens…
So this morning, to Munchkin:
“The Panda is doing really well, isn’t he?”
M: “Yes, I’m glad we are getting him out of his shell…”
G: “I just thought of a great idea…”
“Yeeeaaaahhhh, what?”
“I don’t want to take the lime light away from him by writing my dumb posts…how about I take a break for a while (I can do some extra work) and let him experience the joy of popularity?”
Now I am at the stage of converting 8-bit signed and unsigned numbers to and from decimal numbers. A few more exercises and it will be done.
More sorghum is maturing.
I still have not done today’s row on “the Blanket.”
I analysed the bamboo structure (that Panda will talk about soon…) and that we built together. It is stronger than the first one I made by quick and dirty eye-balling and guesstimating by myself. The zip ties were a good idea, though thicker ones would have been better, the amount of time saved in not having to use string was significant. Measuring to a standard length also had its advantages in terms of evenness of the structure (apart from the inevitable bananas). I would use a shorter standard length next time; say, cut down the distance between posts to 6 or 8 feet. The next one will be better.
Also: started two new growing tables under the potato garden for…yup, potatoes.
The Panda is depressed. He sounds like Lucas from a dodgy History channel series called Alone (…given to me by the same Panda…no less!). I told him to publish his email to me as his second blog post, as therapy but I get the feeling that he is too shy to reveal his inner-most sensitivities to BlogWorld (TM!). I think he is still finding his inner Panda…
Okay BlogWorld (TM!), have a nice Sunday and think deep thoughts.
Even though the Munchkin hasn’t said anything, this look,
at breakfast, makes these words reverberate in my brain:
“Since everybody is writing posts, you should write too!”
So, today, I put the clear tin on the potato garden; ground sorghum for flour and breadcrumbs; watered everything with horrible, stinky water; sorted out Munchkin’s photographs for blogging; put another egg in the incubator; crocheted another row of “the blanket” and now I am settling myself down to sit in front of the computer and do some coding….moving on to end of Chapter 3 quiz…
See?!?!? I wrote something…remaining bloggers together…I hope I get one of these:
Munchkin: “Since everybody is going to write posts, you should write posts too…”
Gnome: “Yeah, but I’m too busy coding right now, I’m almost at Chapter 3; and I have to move the tin for the potato garden cover I made with Panda; and there is the gate to chisel out and fix…maybe when things settle down…”
Munchkin: “Since everybody is going to write posts, you should write posts too…”
Gnome: “I don’t think I have time…maybe some other time…”
Munchkin: “Since everybody is going to write posts, you should write posts too…”