We have a (pet) goosie now that follows me everywhere I go (a bit like Mary and her lamb). She was the first egg of the year laid auspiciously on New Year’s Day all by itself, plonk just outside our house. We incubated the single egg and our little goosie hatched 28 days later. Since she was all by herself, I was designated “mother goosie” and I taught her how to eat and forage. Thinking about it now, I actually spent a substantial amount of time with her as she was growing up; an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. She always had supervised walks and I would place her up on the vegetable bed whilst I was harvesting for the day. Aha…that is why she likes bitter greens like rocket.

Another interesting thing I noticed was that she always pecked at things that I was collecting; for instance, she always watched me harvesting from the suriname cherry and has now got into the habit of eating the leaves from this plant (not a normal leafy green that geese go for). The eggplant proved to a bit of a problem because she de-nuded the whole plant!
Here is my little goosie; she is a joy to have on the farm. She is about 4 months old and doing all the normal goosie things despite having a Munchkin Mama. 🙂