Hello!! We had about two weeks of really good weather (blue skies and sunshine) and now we are back to rainy weather. Today, it looks like an all day rain so we can’t go out. It is definitely getting very wet from three days of rain; puddles (ponds) forming and geese splashing about. Lots of froggies too and frog spawn in all our buckets.
Here are a few pictures from the farm. Not really much to say except that we will probably be doing inside activities for the month of July.
I had written before that we were trying to grow a big patch of mint at the water tank area which gets really wet. The mint has taken well and is spreading with the rains:

Some birds nest cup fungus. It looks very pretty but unfortunately you can’t eat it or make birds nest soup soup out of it!

The “Brain” is flowering; just in case you don’t remember the “Brain,” here is a picture; it is also called elephant foot yam.

The flowers are very interesting; they look like mushrooms:

Okay, have a great day and stay out of the rain!!