A Piece Of Land.

Our beginnings in Belize started with Ideals and when we started looking for land, we always kept our philosophy in mind.

People always ask us why we moved to Belize.  When we were living in Scotland, we definitely caught the bug to be outdoors all the time.  Any spare moment we had, in between hospital shifts, we were running about in the Scottish Woodlands.  It got to the point that our days revolved around synchronising work shifts in order to get the free time together to enjoy the great out-doors.  Our enthusiasm was so great that we learned to forage for all our greens in the wild; we made nettle soup, dandelion salad, steamed burdock and not to mention a whole plethora of home-made wines from gooseberries to elderberries.  Anything that we read up on that was edible, we ranged the countryside in search for that delectable and I think we have tried every documented wild edible green in Scotland.  The foraging of edible mushrooms deserves a mention as I still have fond memories of wandering through birch forest with baskets of chanterelles and boletes.  One very memorable time for us involved secretly tapping maple trees in the centre of Glasgow; early in the morning, we would don our green hats and wellies and place tapping paraphernalia onto maple trees and covertly hide all this equipment with branches and leaves.  By the light of the morning, we would be whipping off our green hats, assuming the role of doctors again, and high-tailing it all the way to hospital.   And so this was the start of our discovery of the great outdoors and it became part of a neccessary way of life for us in between the stressful long working hours.

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