It has been really cold lately with temperatures reaching as low as 15C (60F) down here in Toledo, Belize. We have been freezing and Gnome is walking about with his woolly hat on indoors which makes him look even more gnomish! Over the last few days, Gnome has been craving hot custard and has requested it on numerous occasions. A few days ago I attempted to make custard and it went all lumpy and I got rather upset about it because I had used some of our delicious duck eggs. Yesterday, when we went into Punta Gorda to do some shopping, we even looked for custard powder to buy. But alas, there were none to be found. And the Chinese shop-keepers gave me a befuddled look when I asked them if they had any.
Nevertheless, I still felt the need to make hot custard for the Gnome and today I finally succeeded! We were so happy that we had a double helping of hot custard each:

The custard turned out silky and smooth…I was soooo pleased. I found that the trick is to take it off the heat as soon as it starts thickening and to whisk it for another five minutes after removing it from the stove.
Yeah…we are both warm and toasty now. Custard Crisis is over!!