Zazen Soap!!

Together.Sea.of.TranquilitySo what’s our latest tout…or clout?  Not only do we have Zazen duckies but we have Zazen soap!  I have noticed that at some point, when we have done enough hours of an activity (Yes that 10000 hours thing), it evolves into an art.  The other day, we had a moment of clarity whilst mixing up soap; we realised that by clearing our head of the internal dialogue (you know…the usual blah blah blah voice in your head) the soap mixes perfectly with no hitches.  In contrast to this, when we are feeling chaotic, we get early thickening of the mixture and lumpy bits  so that the soap has to be poured in haste.  There you go…The Zen of Soap making by Munchkin and Gnome!!

Look at this soap…it is smooth and silky like custard:

Zazen Soap!
Zazen Soap!

Stacks of Chocolate Vanilla Cookie Soap. “Right Thought, Right Action” Soap!!

Chocolate Vanilla Cookie Soap.
Chocolate Vanilla Cookie Soap.

…better than maximal velocity soap.   You can’t get better than Zazen!