Fruits in Season.


There is always something new to harvest on the farm.  Right now, the mulberries have just started.

Mulberry Tree.
Mulberry Tree.

I will be collecting this fruit to make our very popular Mulberry Elixir.  The final product is a beautiful dark purple colour and it has a lovely, rich berry taste.

This one is a local fruit called monkey cap.  It has the consistency of peanut butter and is much-loved by the birds.  For all bird-lovers out there, this is one to plant if want to attract all the birdies with pretty colours.  The toucans like this one.

Monkey Caps.
Monkey Caps.

The monkey cap tree also makes a nice ornamental for those into landscaping.

Monkey Cap Tree.
Monkey Cap Tree.

Oh, and last but not least…we got our first soursop of the year.  Everyone in Belize loves this fruit.  I can’t give it justice by describing it but it has a kind of wet cotton-like consistency with a unique tropical fruit taste.  I asked Gnome to help me describe the flavour and this is what he said:

“Well…it tastes like a soursop!”

Well, Thank-you Gnome…that was extremely helpful!!

Big Soursop.
Big Soursop.

The farm keeps on producing!!