This one is for Jesus. As doctors, we come across all manner of interesting folk. We have a patient who is an elderly missionary gentleman whom we have known for years. Throughout this time, we have enjoyed him as quite a character and he continues to bring humour and gestures of thanks into our lives. The other day, he stopped by and gave us two packs of bouillon cubes (and a sack of oranges).

He instructed me that I could make the best tasting rice in the world by combining a beef and a chicken cube together. Furthermore, he was giving me 240 cubes in total which equated to 120 days of great tasting rice! Oh, and of course,
“Praise the Lord! Jesus loves you!”
So, now when I start to cook dinner, I ask Gnome:
“Darling, do you want the Jesus Bouillon Cubes or Miso tonight?”
And Gnome replies,
“Jesus Cubes tonight, babes!”
The genuine warmth and gesture behind the gifts are much appreciated.