That was the icing on the cake…that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I can be funny about it now but believe me, we had one big hissy fit over this one. This is what happened:
Gnome: ‘Munchkin, oh dearest!! Where is the teapot top?’
(This isn’t exactly what he said but the for the purposes of wholesome family entertainment we will keep to this version).
I didn’t know where it was and I couldn’t find it for 5 days! This was rather disturbing because we used the teapot twice a day. How could the top go missing all of a sudden??

Well, I have some explaining to do…the days typically started with this type of conversation:
Gnome: ‘Munchkin, oh dearest!! Where is my…fill in the blank?’
Gnome: ‘Munchkin, oh dearest!! Have you seen my…fill in the blank?’
We have had some trouble finding things because the house is a mess. Arrrghhh!!! Picture a kitchen with a massive table top with every square inch filled up with an array of vegetables and fruit. Pots everywhere. Buckets of miso brewing in the corner. Oh and of course pig tail buckets of wine blubbling away happily in a corner. The floor under the table is crammed full of containers of home-made coconut oil. There is not an inch of space left to move in…
and what’s more…
in this tiny little house, there’s a place for making soaps, another place for pressing coconut oil, another place for drying herbs with jars crammed full of dried herbs. There is stuff everywhere!!
I have been neglecting the house-work because there is always so much farm work to do!!
Anyway, I think it is time for Munchkin to tidy up…can’t wait until Spring…it has now become a matter of great urgency…as soon as you can’t find the teapot top, then it is time for a great big tidy up.
So, this means that Gnome will have to do the farm work for the next week or so while I try to organise our house into some semblance of a house! Let’s hope I can get it done before Christmas!!