Blog Back On-Line!

The Blog is back on-line!  I don’t think anyone actually noticed and we didn’t realise until Gnome’s Mum told us that our website was down and what’s happening?

So, for about a week the website has just been a blank page and there was no text to be seen.  We really thought that we had lost it all.  My first thoughts were: “…oh…all my zillions of recipes!!” and, “…oh, Gnome, how are you going to remember the Pet Lime-Sulphur recipe??”  I wasn’t  devastated about it and was prepared to email (do people email anymore?) a few (maybe six)) of the people who follow our Blog regularly with updates.  Gnome didn’t show any signs of emotion; he was neither happy nor sad.

Anyway, we asked Panda to sort it out and came back to us today to tell us that it was something to with a plug-in.  So, we are back on-line and a special thanks to Panda for assisting in the continuation of our chronicles.  Anyway, I need to get the hang of WordPress 5.0 which is a lot more visual and requires more clicking on icons.  I was happy with the good old-fashioned way!  Why do they keep on changing old stuff around when it was all perfectly fine? I will write more soon with a picture of the completed pond and our new vegetable beds.  Yes, still working like little troopers…


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