This morning, we worked on the guinea pig coop, re-using concrete blocks from the goosie cabana-style nests for it. Apparently, from our personal observation of geese, they do not seem to like “sharing walls” so now we have to make single brooding nests. How semi-d’s for the geese...semi-detached houses (in the UK and Australia; don’t know if this concept is in Northern America) are houses that share walls. They are usually two houses stuck together so that the neighbours end up sharing a wall. The advantage of this housing is that they are usually less expensive than a single house. There are also many disadvantages like hearing the television next door! Anyway, I digress…my point is that we can’t be cheap with our geese and make them share walls!!
So these got taken apart…

We left a single one which incidentally has three brand new goose eggs in it. We are not sure who the girl is so we are taking bets for the next broody goose.
The guinea pig complex has been expanded upwards by one concrete block to give our duckies more head room:

Panda came to the farm this morning. He’s doing fine by the way for all you guys who are following the blog to read about his exploits. You guys must be thinking, “Oh no…not another silly Munchkin and Gnome post! Where’s Panda??”
Panda came over to help us get a pick up load of sawdust. Gnome and Panda got all red-faced and sweaty from the heat (not actually the work) whilst I brought goosie along for the ride. I was on light duty today!
After midday, Panda went off to do his own thing. We decided to have a break at the pond today. It is actually soooo hot that you have no choice but to sit around. We had crumpets and tea together sans the geese.
Cacao butter crumpets! Scrumptious!

Apparently the geese have forgotten that there is a pond (what short memories they have) and are dizzily swimming about in little 5 gallon basins around the house. Oh, well we can’t tell them what to do otherwise they will try to pick a fight with us! What hot-headed Geese we have…
Hope y’all had a nice Sunday sitting around in the inferno heat!!
And here we are still wearing jackets up in MT. Though I’d still go for some of those delicious looking crumpets :). Oh….the semi-detached houses are definitely a thing here. Except, in this neck of the woods, we call them duplexes!
Wow…sounds like it is still cold in MT! You can come over for crumpets and tea anytime; you and your family are always welcome. Thanks for the explanation about the duplexes and semi-d’s! Oh and a special thanks for following our posts!! Cheers.