You would think that money would buy you everything that you needed; not necessarily so… as we invested in new super-duper sized guttering for the house recently. We had a test run with a little rain last week and it was dripping all over the place! Gnome went out to inspect and found that that every single joint had warped with the heat of the sun!
We’ve managed to rectify the matter by drilling screws through the joints in order to secure them in place. As you can well image, Gnome was frustrated and disappointed.
“Even when you pay for something, you still can’t get quality!”
Since then he has been sizing up the giant bamboo in the corner of our property.

Mmmm…it looks like we have no choice but to resort to Giant Bamboo Gutters or Gnome Gutters TM!! If we want quality, we’ve got to do it ourselves!! A Gnome’s work is never done…