Good News for MGNews! We have managed to land ourselves the PrimeTime Sunday slot to bring to you the latest in the Paradise Pastures Mayoral Elections 2015. We have 10 weeks to go and counting. This week we have the pleasure of announcing the following candidates.
Mr. Arnold Wang. Campaign “Game Change.”

Money talks, money rules!! We need to make money from these piggies! I am looking at a game change; more money to the piggies, more money to the people, money in our pockets. These piggies need to be bred for food and/or pets. Why else do we have Paradise Pastures. For fun? No. Profit. Vote for me…I promise wealth and prosperity.
Magical Rodent. Campaign “Universe’s Super Being Piggie.”

Something deep inside of us knows that we can be something more. I am the Rodent to lead all the piggies out of Paradise Pastures and into the wild, to form an underground colony. Our goal: a breeding program to breed the “Universe’s Super Being” from guinea pigs. We will produce a supreme being of such intellect that we may one day return to the surface to rule over humanity and make slaves of these puny humans! Ha! Rodents Rule!!
Mayor Gnome. Campaign “Tough Love.”

The Piggies simply can’t do without me. They are naive and simple and need to be caged in like little animals because they lack the brain capacity to survive on their own. Vote for me. Security for the placid and the weak!
Mayor Gnome’s New Campaign is completely out of character this year. No more Mr. Nice Guy. It’s Mr. Tough Guy!!
So, there you are. Who is it going to be folks…looks like it will be a close one! Tune into MGNews next Sunday PrimeTime for more exclusive election news. 6pm Central/ Mountain Piggie Time.
Don’t Miss The Most Talked About Election of 2015!!

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