Oh yes…another Blog post! I am on a roll…actually, it’s wet and windy outside and I am stuck indoors! We are still in the middle of the transition from dry to wet season. It is getting wetter with night rains. And, oh yes, you have guessed it…we still haven’t finishing the round of mowing yet and the massive downpours of the wet season are imminent.
Anyway, let’s keep on going…where, I am not sure…trying to be funny but I think that fell flat. Here is something funny…I stumbled upon this soda at the Chiney (Supermarkets in Punta Gorda are mostly owned by Chinese people so the locals shorten the name to Chiney). I was very intrigued that there was a fizzy drink touting the flavour of ‘Champagne Cola.’ What a wonderful name…the combination sounded truly divine (methinks I have been in Belize for too long). Here is a picture…sorry, I bashed up the can a bit and then had to re-shape it when I realised that I wanted to take a photo.

It was also really cheap at BZD 1.00 (USD 0.50)!!! This is even cheaper than a bottle of coke…how and why can something be so cheap…the mind boggles. Anyway, here are my tasting notes:
Colour: Super bright sunset orangey, like the colour of rust.
Clarity: Clear bright orange.
Nose: Metallic, familiar smell of a well known brand of carbonated soft drink from Scotland.
Taste: Tastes like (a cheap version) of Irn Bru!!

For all of you out there who are wondering what I am raving about, Irn Bru is a fizzy drink that is very popular in Scotland; in fact, it is the top-selling carbonated drink in Scotland. It has this awful artificial taste that every Scottish person identifies with. In Glasgow, people like mixing it with whisky! The Champagne Cola lacks some qualities of the genuine article but there is still enough of a similarity. This one is for all the Irn Bru drinkers in Belize…try Champagne Cola!