Do you ever get one of those days that you can’t get anything done or it takes ages to get something done that normally takes 10 minutes? I am having one of those days.
This morning, Gnome woke me up with a sudden jolt. He was dreaming and shouted, ‘Explosion!!!‘ in his sleep. I woke up and exclaimed, ‘…what…explosion??‘
I got such a shocking wake up that I pulled the muscle in the back of my leg…owhhhh!!! Ouch!!!

So, while I was trying to wake up properly and massage the strained muscle in my leg, Gnome told me about his dream. He said that he was trying to pick up huge melons on the ground and because they were so ripe, they were exploding.
So, Gnome was dreaming about exploding fruit. I am not surprised that Gnome dreams about things like that.

Anyway, after being rudely woken up this morning, nothing felt right. The kittens were whining from the get-go and the gaggle of geese were in the throes of war and acting up more than normal. I stumbled about with my sore leg and spilled the tea. Oh dear…
Time to Stop!!
Oh and then I tried to write some text messages to organise some things in the outside world (I like my ducks in a row!!) and none of them would send properly.
Okay, I got the message. I finally stopped…my leg was hurting so now I have it up on a stool, resting on a cushion. Gnome has put Crazy Cat on my lap and he has told me not to move.

I think that’s it for the day! It’s just one of those days!!