Oh we are so tired but very satisfied with all the work that we have done this year; I think we actually did start on the 1st of January and we have worked like busy little bees during this COVID-19 quarantine. The curfew has really made us stay in, stop doing any frivolous activities and get down to the business of working. No distractions and nothing to procrastinate over!
I have always and forever had a big bag of seeds in the freezer (you know the one…seeds for planting next year or when we are ready…or when it is time!!). Well, in the last two months I have planted every single seed…yeah, even the weird and unusual ones. Because our “dry season garden” worked really well to keep us going with fresh greens and vegetables, we have decided to make more gardens. So this is the first garden which has green beans, bitter gourd (serosi) and okra. Gnome has re-tilled it and started another round of okra.

We had a second garden planted about two months ago for tomatoes and aubergines. Unfortunately, all my tomatoes died (fungus and rotting stems). My tomatoes are sometimes a hit and miss. The aubergines are still alive…I have baby purple striated, little orange bobble ones and some other mystery from Italy. This is the second garden; you can also see the trellises in the background which will be for climbing fruits and vegetables…so far, we have loofah and sweet granadilla.

Gnome has just finished tilling and digging a third garden. This is for pumpkins, melons, spinach greens, a bit of peanut and onions.

In the last few days, I have started the following seedlings: dandelion, amaranth, fennel, another three different types of aubergine and I can’t remember what else. When I excitedly told Gnome that I had started 24 new vegetable seedlings…he looked at me and said,
“…oh, will have to start digging a fourth garden…”

Actually, he looked more like this:

Okay, the rains have started early this year…what a relief! Will try to write again soon with more planting pictures.