I am writing today because I seem to have a bit more time and I also feel like writing. This morning started off with very dark and ominous clouds; despite the warning signs, I pushed ahead and made the decision to work outside. Panda came with a pick-up truck of sawdust and emptied it in record time. It started bucketing down at about 9am and I had never seen Panda run so quickly to get out of the rain…but he forgot his shovel in his haste! Anyway, thanks Panda for the sawdust which we are putting around the house to raise the ground up. The rains and big, flat goosie feet have caused so much erosion that we have lost about a foot of dirt all around the house!
We are officially on Possum Alert right now. A couple of nights ago, we awoke to the din of goosie squawking and Gnome ran outside immediately. He managed to spy a predator and with the aid of a flash-light, he could make out the silhouette of a possum. Yes, they are back: Back with a Vengeance! The traps are out and we have warned the goosies to stay close to the house and not to go out in the dark alone after 9pm…fat chance they will actually listen!! We haven’t caught anything yet but are already talking about having a nice possum curry.

The big rain this morning lasted about an hour and now it is sunny again. Gnome has been doing a spot of plumbing because we would like to move the sink out of the house and onto the veranda. I was going to take some pictures but then I stopped and wondered if anyone actually wanted to see a picture of pipes! Ha-Ha!!
Well, here is a prettier picture for you! I never thought that I would be so happy with dandelions…but, aren’t they lovely…Dandelions in Belize.

We have been enjoying dandelion greens in our salads. We plan on growing a whole bed of dandelions for roots and greens and are collecting the seeds right now in preparation for this project.

That’s all for now folks!!