With Goosies, Duckies and Possums we are being kept busy; on top of all that, Gnome has mowed all the grass to the pond area. It’s really helpful because we (the animals and I can move about more)!! Anyway, little big goosie was getting a tad too big for the house creche so we had to put her outside; in the daytime she grazes on perennial peanut under a wire cage and at night, we place her in a possum trap( by herself) with a water dish, plenty of doggy biscuits and a bunch of grass. On the first night she kept on calling for us (we are Mum and Dad to her) so we went downstairs to try to calm her down. As soon as she saw our familiar wellies (because at her height all that she sees are two pairs of walking wellies) she immediately started her happy noise. That was when I realised that if I stuck a pair of wellies outside her cage she would feel safe…and it worked! We have a happy goosie…Goosie ‘n” Boots!!

Little duckie is getting bigger and still in the house creche…which is essentially just a big glass fish tank. She is still small enough to handle but I anticipate that she will be going out soon in a weeks time. Every night we spend two hours quality time with duckie…

Oh yes the possums. I spent three days making my special Bengali curry…the sauce is made of twenty medium onions very, very thinly sliced (by yours truly) with ginger, cardamom, cumin seed, yellow ginger, star anise, cinnamon and little bird peppers. The meat was soaked in brine for 24 hours, simmered in curry for 8 hours and left over-night for all flavours to do their thing. Phew, it was a lot of work but totally worth it. We had it with sliced green jackfruit. Very Good!!