I wanted to share this with you since it actually happened about 30 minutes ago. I was on the veranda moving paper bricks and I got an almighty, awful sting from a scorpion. It really caught me by surprise because I had just reached my hand out to grab a brick and it must have been hiding behind it. I gave such an almighty scream that even my cat woke up from his dreamy Sunday nap. He promptly fell asleep again once he saw me jumping about like a mad maniac…hmmm, he must think that this is a normal state for me…
Anyway, I didn’t want to be a woose and call Gnome (emergency doc) for a scorpion bite so I ran into the house to see what I could do myself. Yesterday, I had been bottling our Itch Done Gone (insect bite relief) product and since it was readily available, I grabbed some of that.

This is what I did: I dumped a bottle (10mls) of Itch Done Gone, about a 1/4 cup of baking soda, filled the jug up to about 500mls (1/2 quart) with water and stuck my hand in it.
Ahhhh relief…the copal (a natural anti-inflammatory) together with the camphor in the Itch Done Gone cooled down the inflammation and my hand stopped throbbing with the pain. I left my hand in it for about 5 minutes…I would recommend longer (like half an hour to get the full benefits).
My personal thoughts on using this concoction as a scorpion sting remedy: this time round, the area that was stung, did not swell up as much as much as previous times (when no remedy was used). I felt subjectively that although it did not take away the pain entirely, that the pain was lessened in intensity and duration.
Interestingly enough, I have been told by other people that they have used Itch Done Gone for scorpion bites with good results. I’ve been told that they apply it directly onto the affected areas. My use of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) was derived from the knowledge that it is used in allergic reactions such as poison ivy to help with itch relief. According to Gnome’s logic, immunological responses tend to set up an acidic environment so the logic in using sodium bicarbonate is to alkalinize the environment; possibly if there are any acidic components to the venom, they might get neutralised.
My recommendations: I think that a bottle of Itch Done Gone should be an essential in everybody’s first aid kit. Not only is it effective in relieving the itch and inflammation of insect bites, you can also use it in scorpion stings. If you are interested in this product please click on this link: Itch Done Gone in Casa Mascia Apothecary.