We need to catch a healthy-choice rat that comes into our kitchen at night. He eats only organic, home-grown vegetables, fruit and grains. He can even sniff out this fine food through plastic wrap and munches through to get to my choice food. He turns his nose up at anything in a flashy package including ramen noodles, biscuits and sweets. What a discerning rat!

Okay, so I was getting fed up with the rat taking out all my sapodillas, tomatoes and other fruits in season. I was waking up to a gnawed piece of fruit in the basket every day. It was really frustrating because I was waiting for the fruit to ripen and the rat was getting them when they were perfect to eat. You can imagine how self-righteous I was feeling…all this hard work in the garden and the rat gets it!! That’s not right!!
I proceeded to store all my good food in closed baskets and then got the rat trap out for Gnome to set up. He asked me for some food for bait and I got out some cheese. He gave me a funny look because it came out of a packet. He looked like he wanted to say something but then felt that he better not.
I didn’t know what his problem was…don’t you catch rats with cheese?? I’ve seen it in cartoons.
Well the next morning, I found the traps empty still with the cheese bait. Gnome had accidentally left an extra piece of cheese on a plate (in plain sight) on the kitchen table…that had not been taken either. It was clear that the rat did not feel enticed by the cheese.
Gnome just looked at me…you know with that knowing look: I didn’t tell you so but you should no better look.
Hmmm…I really don’t want to bait the rat with my good stuff but it looks like I have no choice. Oh dear…the bait will have to come from my lovely garden harvest…