Finding The Creativity To Write.


Gnome just saw this title and tells me that I go through a 3 month cycle where I go through very busy times (doing outside farm work, making products, cooking, patients, etc) and then I find that I have no energy to write anything.  He says this goes on for a little while until I start going on about finding creativity and then I write a post like this.

Well my response to his observation was,

“I don’t think so…”


He’s such a smart-arse!!  Unfortunately, he is correct and now I am on the upward cycle where I feel that I need to write more regularly.  I have to re-evaluate my reasons for writing; it is to keep a journal and to remind myself of what I do and why I do things.  I don’t want to run automatically through my life and do things for no good reason except to keep busy.  I think about life a lot, the way that we live it and the way that I can live with significance in my actions.  This is deep Munchkin talking…she doesn’t come out much because she’s too busy writing inane blogs to entertain people.

Gnome says in response to this:

“That sounds like the beginning of a thought…are you taking this somewhere?”


Munchkin: “No.”


Well that was a conversation stopper if I ever saw one!!

Zazen Piggies!!

Mayor Gnome Gets it Done!
Mayor Gnome Gets it Done!

Mayor Gnome was true to his word and moved the piggies to the Zen Garden this morning.  The Big Move:

Piggie Home.
Piggie Home.

Concrete blocks make great little cubby holes for shelter from the rain.

Piggie Development.
Piggie Development.

Zen Piggie Home:

Piggie Home.
Piggie Home.

Master Zazen Duckie greeted the piggies and gave a rousing welcome speech to the new residents.

Master Zazen Duckie.
Master Zazen Duckie.

At the end of the speech, the Duckies invited them for a group meditation.  This is what the piggies said:

“We’ve still got some packing to do love…and then we need to eat a whole bunch of grass.  Maybe see you laterz!!”

Zazen Duckie replied with:

“I see you need to learn discipline…that is so.”

Big Move For The Piggies!


The Piggies have been grumbling a lot lately…about the weather, you know the usual stuff that we all get miserable about.  On top of all that, their Yoga teacher left a couple of months ago to the greener pastures of San Antonio.  There has been a lot of squealing, squeaking and squawking and general complaining on Coco-Prune Resorts.  Of course Mayor Gnome was awfully concerned for the emotional welfare of the community of Paradise Piggies and held a meeting to find a solution.

Mayor Gnome: “How can I make life better for the gated community of Paradise Pastures/ Coco-Prune Resorts and Condos?”


Piggies: “There is nothing to do at the resort…it’s so boring!!  What are we supposed to do in the condos…watch telly all day?”

We Are Bored!!
We Are Bored!!

Piggies: “We need a reason to live…we need to find meaning in life!”

Gnome: “Okay, Piggies, it looks like you have done all your frolicking and fun and now you want some spiritual food.  I know what you need!”

Piggies: “Oh Mayor Gnome, what are you going to do?”

Gnome: “We’re moving you to the Zen Garden.  The Zazen Duckies can help you lot get back on your feet!  No more resorts!!”

Zen Garden For Duckies and Piggies.
Zen Garden For Duckies and Piggies.

Tune in tomorrow (if you are really bored and have nothing else to do) for THE BIG MOVE!!  How exciting, can’t wait….